The common traits of successful candidates in special operations-level military training programs. The traits include consistent physical presence in rigorous training, working harder and smarter, being serious about recovery, maintaining a disciplined daily regimen, achieving a level of maturity, and showing a singular focus on the mission with no viable Plan B. The points are addressed to those seeking to understand the mindset and preparedness necessary to succeed in such demanding roles.
Key Points:
- Consistent Physical Presence: Successful candidates are those who consistently show up for the six-day-a-week training programs, regardless of the early hours or travel time required. They also engage in secondary workouts to address any weaknesses experienced during the main training sessions.
- Working Hard and Smart: Successful candidates not only push their limits during workouts, but also add extra elements such as weight vests or additional repetitions to make the exercises more challenging. They also balance their exertion with logical recovery protocols.
- Prioritizing Recovery: Recognizing the importance of recovery for optimal performance, successful candidates take sleep, nutrition, and other recovery aspects seriously, avoiding anything that might hinder their recuperation.
- Disciplined Daily Regimen: Balancing a physical job or demanding academic schedule with workouts helps candidates prepare for the long, active days typical in special ops. The best candidates manage constant activities, deadlines, and workouts, building the resilience required for special ops.
- Maturity: Both physical and emotional maturity are critical. A high attrition rate in special ops is observed among teenage candidates, suggesting that taking the time to fully mature before undertaking such programs can be beneficial.
- No Viable Plan B: Having a laser-sharp focus on their goal and a strong desire to serve in special ops so intense that all other options seem insignificant is another characteristic of successful candidates. This mindset helps them endure even the most challenging conditions.