Pavel Durov, the CEO and founder of the encrypted messaging app Telegram, was arrested by French authorities on Saturday night at Le Bourget Airport near Paris. The arrest, which occurred after Durov arrived from Azerbaijan on a private jet, was reportedly tied to an investigation into allegations of criminal activities facilitated through the Telegram platform.
According to multiple reports, French investigators had issued an arrest warrant for Durov as part of a broader inquiry into various illicit activities, including fraud, drug trafficking, organized crime, promotion of terrorism, and cyberbullying. The inquiry centers on allegations that Telegram has not adequately policed its platform to prevent its use for criminal purposes. Durov, who holds both French and Emirati citizenship, is expected to appear in a French court in the coming days.
The French authorities, including the Paris prosecutor’s office, have not provided detailed comments on the case, citing the ongoing investigation. However, the arrest has drawn significant international attention, particularly among those concerned with issues of free speech and digital privacy. Prominent figures such as RFK Jr. and Elon Musk have voiced their support for Durov, framing the arrest as a broader assault on free speech in the digital age.
In a statement, Telegram defended its moderation policies, asserting that the company complies with European Union regulations, including the Digital Services Act. The platform also emphasized that Durov has “nothing to hide” and criticized the notion that a platform owner should be held responsible for the misuse of the service by its users.
The arrest has also prompted a reaction from Russian authorities, who have expressed frustration over what they perceive as a lack of cooperation from France. The Russian Embassy in Paris has requested access to Durov and further clarification on the charges.
Telegram, which has over 900 million users globally, has been under scrutiny by various governments due to its encryption features and the platform’s use by extremist groups and criminal organizations. Despite the controversies, Durov has maintained that Telegram should remain a neutral platform, focusing on privacy and freedom of communication.
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