Jude Sunderbruch, the Director of the Defense Department’s Cyber Crime Center (DC3), anticipates an imminent era of low-grade ‘AI versus AI’ conflict, where adversaries will deploy artificial intelligence to launch cyberattacks against the United States. Speaking at the DefenseScoop’s Google Defense Forum, Sunderbruch emphasized the need for the U.S. and its allies to creatively utilize AI to maintain an advantage over major intelligence competitors like China. This view aligns with the broader consensus in the cybersecurity community, which sees AI and machine learning as pivotal in enhancing the capabilities of hackers and reshaping traditional cyberattack methods, including social engineering.
The Pentagon’s updated cybersecurity strategy, released in September, underscores the importance of integrating automated and AI-driven capabilities into U.S. cyber operations. The strategy, heavily influenced by observations from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, adopts a more offensive stance, particularly against threats from China and Russia.
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