Ukrainian forces have recaptured several villages from the Russians since President Zelensky initiated a spring offensive, with a territorial gain of over 100 square kilometers. However, the Ukrainian army, battling against prepared Russian defenses without air superiority, faces significant challenges and the early days of the offensive have seen losses, including Western-provided military equipment.Â
Key Points:Â
- Ukraine’s spring offensive has led to the recapture of seven villages in the Donetsk region, advancing the troops by approximately 6.5 km and gaining control over a territory of 90 square kilometers, plus an additional 16 square kilometers near Bakhmut.
- The offensive operations are taking place across a 600-mile front and have included the liberation of several towns, although the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) notes that it’s too early to call these movements a ‘breakthrough’.
- The Ukrainian troops are conducting these operations without air superiority and face a challenging fight against Russia’s strong defensive positions.
- Some losses of recently acquired Western military equipment, including a German-made Leopard tank and U.S.-made Bradley Fighting Vehicles, have been reported.
- Experts caution that it’s too early to judge the success of Ukraine’s offensive, as their heaviest forces have not yet been committed to the battle. The Ukrainian troops are currently probing Russian front lines to locate weak spots for potential exploitation in later stages of the operation.
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